Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
I remember when I was a child; it was so easy to believe in Jesus and what the Bible says. I suppose things were black and white at that stage. I didn’t have that many worries and I was happy. If you asked did I believe in Jesus, I would say that I did. I knew a lot about religion. I listened at mass and at religious classes, and I sucked it in. Jesus was a friend. I prayed to him, I thought of what he would say to different things and I wanted to be together with him when I died.
Then I became an adult. With the stress and busy life that came with it. As they years went by, I could see the injustice in the world, as well as the corruption. I sinned without thinking of the consequences. When I got divorced, I forgot about religion all together. Or at least I thought that Jesus and God were on holidays, and they didn’t care about me. The more that I became an adult, the more that I shoved Jesus out of my life.
Then I would look at the stars, and the childish amazement of how things look and are created came back to me. I started this blog as a place where I can keep my religious thoughts. I started thinking of Jesus as I did when I was a child. It is a simple belief that I have now. Jesus is the Son of God and died for our sins. He rose again after 3 days after conquering death. There are not that many questions as to if and how it could be true. I just believe that it is true.
I think that’s what Jesus means about this statement. If we do not have the time and energy to set aside the daily stress and the scientific proof we need for everything, then it is hard to believe. If we keep it simple, then we will have a strong faith. A faith that will help us in this life
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