In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.
..................................... Mother Teresa
When I was a young adult, I wanted to change the world. I had a plan. I would change the world through children and the weak. I started working with handicapped. This was slow work and my job was to help provide them with a home that they would feel safe in. My job was to give them love that they would feel accepted in their home. This meant lots of practical work. Making sure they had clean clothes, and something to eat. It also meant talking to them. The thing is that I came and would change everything. The mentally ill taught me something. They taught me to take life as it comes. Notice and respect the small things in life. Like spring flowers, like how delicate and beautiful snow is, like how a smile affects other people.
Later, I studied to be a pre-school teacher. I would change so many lives when I took care of the children. They would experience an adult that was there for them, that did things with them and that cared about their problems. I must admit, that I was a popular teacher. But once again it was the children that taught me. Again, notice the small things in life. Smile to others, play with a cardboard box if everything else was boring, and tell the truth.
Now I am older, I can say that misunderstood everything. Like Mother Teresa says, its not the big ambition and plans that will change the world. It is the small things that change the world. It is by helping someone that is in need. It is by treating others, as you would like them to treat you.
The important thing that I forgot is that we help others through the power of God. We should not take full responsibility for helping others; we only help others with the help from God.
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