I was watching GOD TV, where they have lots of evangelists and healers. It was amazing to watch. Good music and a preacher that praised God all the time, then he would say someone watching is being healed for a variety of reasons. Then someone would come on stage and testify. Then the preacher puts his hand on the person and they always fall back.
I was once at a service with an evangelist. People did not raise their hands in praise. People did not faint or speak in tongues. It was what I called a normal service. The preacher obviously was not used to this. He told us all to raise our hands in praise. We looked at each other to see who the first one will be. No one did. Then he said raise our hands if we believe in Jesus. One by one, hands were being raised. Then he started preaching. He had to accept that we did not say amen after every sentence. After the service, I could not remember what he said. I just remembered that I raised my hand because I believed in Jesus.
Did this make me a bad Christian? I thought something was wrong. I could not get into the “amen spirit”. I didn’t shake or start speaking in tongues. If he touched my forehead, I probably would have stood up and not fallen down.
A few days ago, I was speaking with someone that also saw GOD TV. We agreed that we didn’t remember what was being said. We would remember what I call the circus tricks. Like falling backwards because the preacher puts hands on you. Am I being too harsh? Or does this show a weakness in my faith?
Maybe the answer is that my faith is simple. This is my advice to everyone. Keep your faith personal and simple. If a religious rally or circus helps, then participate.. Whatever the case, we have to keep religion real. Keep it down to earth. Keep it as a private relationship between God and us.
Do not be fooled by people that turn Jesus into a magic show or circus.
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