In who's name?
Think of how many wars were/are in the name of God?
The crusades? Was this done in God's name to keep the holy land Christian, or was it because some Kings were bored and wanted to be remembered?
Northern Ireland? Was this because there were a problem between protestants and Catholics, or was it because social problems?
9/11? Was this an Islam war against the USA or was it a group of people that were jealous of the USA? That misunderstood Islam or simply was mad at the USA?
History is full of wars and conflicts in the name of God or Allah. I am surprised at 2010, we do not know that God or Allah does not want war. Religion is based on Respect, understanding and love. It even says in the Bible that we should love our enemies. I read one poster that said Religious wars is people fighting over who has the best imaginary friend. This is true. Those that kill believe in a God or Allah that we do not know.
The latest we have is this so called war of terror. The 9/11 was a disastrous event that opened everyones eyes. This was done in the name of Allah. Again I doubt that. I remember that day and the weeks that followed. I remember hearing about suicide letters where they were promised a place by Allah's side. That makes me sad and even mad. I will not judge who comes in heaven and who doesn't, but I doubt people that kill other people will make God or Allah happy.
One place we see where hatred was the cartoon incident in Denmark, where a Danish journalist drew Muhammad. They were satire, and many thought they were insulting. I would have expected that this incident would be forgotten. Six months after they were printed, the Muslim world were in an uproar. Danish flags were being burnt. Danish goods were being boycotted. Danish embassies were being bombed or burnt. After all is said and done, it is a question about respect. The Danish journalist shown no respect for Muhammad. The whole discussion was Freedom of speech, and if the Muslims didn't overreact, then I would have understood them. Freedom of speech does not mean you insult others. But the Islam demonstrations turned to hatred and violence. For the Muslims, it was a bad PR. The Danes who have not noticed the cartoons were outraged after the violence. Hatred spread hatred. Muslims has isolated themselves more in Denmark. Is this in God's or Allah's name?
I was speaking with this Muslim on MSN. He assured me that I would not get to heaven because I would not convert to Islam. It does say in the Koran that a Muslim should convert others. The problem is that the Bible says the same! So what happens when we go around converting each other. Does convert mean we torture and force people to be a religion, or do we just inform and let them make their own minds up. This war on conversions is also something that can annoy me. It is foolish and does not show respect for people to make up their own mind.
Religions should learn that people have different ideas of who God is. It is important that we know our own religion. Then we will be able to learn about others while protecting our own faith. When we understand and respect other religions, then the world will be a better place. We do not have to accept what other religions say if we do not believe in it, but we have to respect that people believe in another religion
When we do something in Gods name, we should think if it is in Gods name, our name or our imaginary friend
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