The Catholic Church has during the past centuries turned love from something that should be cherished and considered a gift from God to something that we should be afraid of. Something that was a duty. Even though the Church has lightened its approach to sex, we still have some stupid laws. Many priests think that AID’s is a punishment from God, we must not use condoms, sex is for married couples etc etc
If you look at the sex industry, you will see that not everyone agrees with the Catholics. Pornography and prostitution are two areas in the sex industry that makes billions of pounds every year. Prostitution itself is probably one of the oldest jobs that we have in history. It has been around since the dawn of day. Unfortunately society does not respect it, and many prostitutes have a pimp that takes most of their money, gets them addicted to drugs and worse take their self-esteem. The problem with prostitution is not the act itself. It is that others make a profit from prostitutes, mainly pimps. I think it should be legal, as I cannot see anything wrong with it, if the woman is treated well by her pimps and gets the money she deserves.
Pornography is another sex industry, and in the Western world, we can’t keep our hands off of it. There is a lot of pornography out there. Imagine what would happen if I put porno in this blog. The amount of visits would increase. Lets face it; the Internet is full of porno of every kind. Some one is making a stash of money and many girls are getting famous for doing something the most of us would not admit to. Porno is a very old trade. We can see it in old mugs and frescoes. In my view, Pornography should also be legal as long as the people involved consented.
Sex is a strange thing. There are so many fetishes.
- Men dressing as women
- Sex in rubber
- Men and women dressed as a baby
- People that adore feet.
- And a lot more.
While some fetishes confuse us, and other fetishes make us laugh, I think they are cute. Take for example a woman I know that loves being dressed as a baby. Sex for her is someone changing her diaper and being fed baby food and all that. I think it’s cute. She is hurting no one, and it turns her on. That is a very important element of sex. It means something different to everyone, but as long as they are not hurting anyone, who cares.
In fact sex is something people boast about. How big their privates are… how many of the opposite sex they have been in bed with… This shows that people appreciate sex, and some are even proud of their achievements.
Maybe the Church should change their view of sex. Sex should be between two consenting partners. Sex should be enjoyed. Sex is a gift from God. When you think of the act of sex, it shows that God has a good imagination and it was meant to be a gift. There are misuses of sex (e.g. pedophilia, sex with animals, sex by human trade, sex slaves). These misuses are sin and quite serious. They do not take into account two consenting people.
Let us remember that sex is a gift from God. Let the Church review its rules on contraception and finally thank God for the gift of sex
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