The Status of women in the Church today
Why does the Church think there should be no woman priests?
From the earliest centuries until our time the constant practise of the Church has been not to ordain women to the priesthood. The existence of prejudice does not invalidate the fact that the practise constituted Church Tradition. The early ministries of women had no relation to the sacramental priesthood.
The Fathers of the Church rejected women priests whenever the question arose.
In medieval church law and theology women were excluded from validly receiving ordination
The doctrine was so firmly settled in later centuries that the Church did not need to publicly defend it.
The priest acts "in the person of Christ". Since Christ was a man, only a male priest can signify Christ at the Eucharist.
In the symbolism of salvation Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is his Bride. A man should therefore represent Christ in the priestly ministry. The priest’s acting in the name of the Church is of less importance.
Human rights, such as equal rights for women, do not apply in the context of the ministries. Women who believe to have a priestly vocation are not guided by the Spirit. For only the Church controls who is called and who is not.
What Can the truth be
Lets start by saying that this is 2008. Much of the teachings and beliefs is believed on what status women had for hundreds of years ago. So I repeat. This is 2008!
Even if we go back, we will see that Jesus respected women. He allowed them to travel with him, although they were not his own official apostles. Jesus realised that woman are equal to men, and that they are no less spiritual or m
Jesus respected women. This can be seen with mis mother, Mary of Magellan, and many others. If Jesus can respect women, then why can't we?
There has been a tradition that men were smarter and better then a man. However now we are wiser. How often do you hear that behind every great man, there is a better woman. Look at the last President elections. We have nearly voted a woman in the White House. Instead we voted an African American. Which both makes me think that humans are starting to learn something. In no way is women inferior than men. They often can do the job better.
We can also see that women does make a difference in the Church, without having the sacred vows. My favourite is St. Bernadette of Lourdes. Then of course we have hundreds of others that every day brings Gods love and friendship to where priests fail to go. Anyone that says that woman can contribute as priests, bishops or even the pope has not really been looking.
When we look at the priesthood and the Pope. It is only allowed for men. Now what is the benefit of any marriage. A man and woman thinks and acts differently. They suppliant each other, The support each other. Imagine if we had this chemistry in the Catholic Church.
I mean, It works in other Churches where there are women priests
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