For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. (Luke 18:25)
These are very strong words that come from Jesus. They are almost depressing. How do we define a rich man? Is he a millionaire or is he a worker that has enough to eat. Sure I can understand that the poor in Africa has a hard enough life on earth, so with a bit of faith it will be easier for them that gets to heaven. But why should I be discriminated against? It’s not my fault that I have enough money.
What does rich actually mean? We can give all our money away and be poor. But is that what Jesus wants? I doubt it. I think that Jesus does mean that rich is anyone that has enough money. He thinks that it is our responsibility to remember the poor. Even this is not easy. We hear of Charities that only 10% of their donations goes to poor. This has turned many people off of giving to charity. At the same time we have seen human compassion in international catastrophes such as the Haiti and New Orleans. Is this what Jesus wants? Human compassion! I think the result would be to help take care of our neighbours as well as people across the world that needs our help.
There is no excuse. Never before has news been so quick. We can follow an event on the other side of the world within minutes. This means that we have a responsibility to help people in need. Especially when they have no roof over their head or no food. We have a choice and think it’s the local government’s duty, or we can send some aid. If you look at Jesus’ statement above, it is important to remember that we have to think with modern eyes. Maybe there is not a leper at every street corner, and the majority of developed nations have social welfare. But there are many developing countries that needs or support.
Lastly it is important to remain pure in mind. We should not polish or wings because we have given charity. We should not boast to everyone that we have given. The best is to give silently, as well as pray for the poor and people that need aid.
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