What is our time on Earth? How are we supposed to use this time? What does God expect of us?
One think that God did was to give us free will. This means that we decide what choices we made and have to take the consequences that this decision means. In other words, God will not tell us to go to war and kill others. This is something that we decide to do. We might do it as a sign of worship to God, but I doubt very much that God likes war. Free will is a gift to us, but with it is a big responsibility. I imagine life like it snows. At the beginning, it is so white, so clean, and so pure. Then as time goes, it gets brown and yellow and slushy. It is not fun to walk in or play with. The same goes as a human being. We are born in purity, with no sin. As life goes on, we sin more and this pushes us away from God. It is like the snow that becomes more ugly. Our soul becomes more ugly.
The problem it is that there is so many temptations on earth. The temptations are also fun. We must admit that the devil has done his job. Our free will means that we can decide. Everything from gluttony to jealousy is against God’s will. The seven deadly sins are hard to avoid: The list consists of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
What is the answer to this. We can be as strong as Jesus is when being confrontred by the devil. Tell him to go away. to do this, we need a better relationship with God. We need to know what God likes and what he doesn’t like. Being a member of a church is advised, as others can support us.